Sunday, July 14, 2019


To anyone who still reads this blog and has`t check out my new website heres the link!
I know I said the last post would be the last one, but I still want to get this place love too!
So heres a dinosaur fact, did you know? That T-Rex, Ankylosaurus and Corythosaurus were discovered by the same person? Barnum Brown!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Goodbye... Forever!

Its Been a While since we talked on This blog, I Hope you Been Enjoying Half-Asleep Dinos. I have.
Last post ever on here. Goodbye...

Saturday, October 27, 2018

New Blog! Half-Asleep Dinos!

We are starting over! Sorry! But this blog was waaay too hard to make DAILY! So we are moving over to Half-Asleep Dinos! This Blog is more focus on news and updates on dinosaurs. So check us out were just posted something new! But I will make one more post for this blog in the furture!

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Tuesday, September 18, 2018


Lived in North America and Asia
Time:201-189 mya
Length:20 ft (6 m)
Weight:½ tons (500 kg)

Dilophosaurus name meaning “two-ridged lizard” is named for the two crests    
on its head. The dinosaur did not spit poison or did it have frills like it was
shown in the movie Jurassic Park. The dinosaur was very big for its time and
very. Not all specimens had the crests so the theory is that the crests are for
Mating and the males only had them.