Saturday, October 27, 2018

New Blog! Half-Asleep Dinos!

We are starting over! Sorry! But this blog was waaay too hard to make DAILY! So we are moving over to Half-Asleep Dinos! This Blog is more focus on news and updates on dinosaurs. So check us out were just posted something new! But I will make one more post for this blog in the furture!

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Tuesday, September 18, 2018


Lived in North America and Asia
Time:201-189 mya
Length:20 ft (6 m)
Weight:½ tons (500 kg)

Dilophosaurus name meaning “two-ridged lizard” is named for the two crests    
on its head. The dinosaur did not spit poison or did it have frills like it was
shown in the movie Jurassic Park. The dinosaur was very big for its time and
very. Not all specimens had the crests so the theory is that the crests are for
Mating and the males only had them.

Monday, September 17, 2018


Lived in USA
Group: Ornithischia
Family: Stegosauria
Time:165 million years to 100 million years
Length: 9 m
Weight: 6,800 pounds
The stegosaurus name means "roof-lizard." The plates on the stegosaurus were used for something but we don`t know what! It could have been used for protection. The stegosaurus aslo has four spikes on its tail. this was for attacking predators.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Saurian! a Awesome Game!

This game started as a kickstarter and got funed! In this game you play as a dinosaur!
The Game is Trying to be scientifically accurate unlike other dinosaur games

Friday, September 14, 2018


Lived in South America
Time:70 mya
Length:25 ft (7.5 m)
Weight:1 ton (1 metric ton)
Carnotaurus meaning “meat-eating bull” has two horns on its head giving its
Name. The horns were triangular horns above its eyes. It lived in the late             
cretaceous. Its forearms were very small. The three fingers on the arms which    
are very short and stubby. It had long legs which had three toed on it.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Tuesday, September 11, 2018


Lived in North America
Time:74-67 mya
Length:25-35 ft (7.5-10.5 m)
Weight:5-7¾ tons (4.5-7 metric tons)

Ankylosaurus meaning “fused lizard” has been appropriate named as a living tank. It lived in the late cretaceous. It has a great body with plates and spikes on the top of its body. On the end of its tail there is a bony tail club. The club could be swung around and hit other dinosaurs. It was described by Barnum Brown in 1908 who was the same person who found the first Tyrannosaurus.    

Monday, September 10, 2018


Lived in North America, South America and Europe
Time:150-145 mya
Length:40 Ft (12 m)
Weight:2½-3½ tons (2-3 metric tons)

Allosaurus name meaning “different lizard” was probably the biggest predator of the late jurassic. It had a short neck, bulky body and a huge head. Its Tail was long  had a stiff end. It preyed on herbivorous dinosaurs and carrion. Expandable joints between the bones allow the mouth to open wide. It was named by Othniel C. Marsh who was one of the greatest paleontologist of the 19th century.